Today I have come with a special documentary project based on reality. Tod" /> Today I have come with a special documentary project based on reality. Tod"/>
I am Ghost Miracle.
Today I have come with a special documentary project based on reality. Today's documentary is about how despite having the most modern weapons in the world, why do the armies of some countries fail? . Details of the unique special operation "Stream"! . Why did the elite units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and mercenaries, armed with the best Western equipment, begin to flee? . What did russian forces have to go through to quietly enter the ukranian forces rear? . How did Russian units manage to take control of the routes for the delivery of weapons and ammunition to the Armed Forces of Ukraine? . What losses did the invaders suffer in the Kursk region and what will happen to the prisoners? . How did the Battle of Sudzha change the situation at the front?
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[email protected]
Я — Призрак Чудо.
Сегодня я пришел со специальным документальным проектом, основанным на реальности. Сегодняшний документальный фильм о том, почему, несмотря на самое современное в мире вооружение, армии некоторых стран терпят неудачу? Подробности уникальной спецоперации «Поток»! Почему элитные части ВСУ и наемники, вооруженные лучшей западной техникой, начали бежать? Через что пришлось пройти российским войскам, чтобы незаметно войти в тыл украинских войск? Как российским подразделениям удалось взять под контроль маршруты доставки оружия и боеприпасов для ВСУ? Какие потери понесли оккупанты в Курской области и что будет с пленными? Как битва под Суджей изменила ситуацию на фронте?
I am Ghost Miracle.
I respect all viewers and listeners. My goal is only to put facts in front of people. If anyone has an objection to my video, then my channel is here for anyone who has any video based on facts. Documentary. Or any evidence. My channel will play your video. You belong to any country. Race. Religion. If you have something special that the world should see. You email me. If your video and evidence to establish peace are based on facts, then I promise. I will bring your voice to the world without any fear or greed. This channel only takes into account your choice. With factual evidence that you give. My channel will show the public without hiding anything. Therefore, peace is not established by silence or anger. People decide by saying and showing something. Who is right and who is wrong,